currently the auto refresh in action window definition does not work for kanban view (per study further, auto refresh even does not work for web, only works for GUI), is there any other way around? Kanban view to be auto refreshed such as new task and task status change is more important.
there is web notification module by anybox which is of great help,, now I know that I can use the existing bus mechanism to trigger and update the webpage based on changed captured, I can now broadcast the chagne message (to certain channel) from server side by the following lines
def create(vals, context=None):
bus = self.env['bus.bus']
message = {
'subject': 'xx',
'body': 'xx',
""" 'user_ids': [(4, for x in self], """
'mode': 'notify',
but I have no idea on javascript side, how to access the current action manager or kanban view, then calling the re_load or something simliar to trigger the actual refresh!
I tried the following on javascript side:
(function() {
declare_bus_channel: function() {
var self = this,
channel = 'xx';
this.bus_on(channel, function(message) {
but unfortunately failed. anyone can help to guide me by sample code or sample reference module?
Many thanks.
P.S Actually it will be very help to know in customized module how to manipulate the existing web component! in essence this is about the webclient object hierarchy.