I want odoo to auto click "Transfer" after Posting invoice.
Testing on Odoo 13 community.
https://imgur.com/a/EcQ7ftg .( 2 image.) before post.jpeg & after post.jpeg
Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software.
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I want odoo to auto click "Transfer" after Posting invoice.
Testing on Odoo 13 community.
https://imgur.com/a/EcQ7ftg .( 2 image.) before post.jpeg & after post.jpeg
You can override/super the function of the Post button and call this function. So once you click the post button this button action will also get executed.
For overriding a function, see:
def function_name(self):
res = super(Classname, self).function_name()
# call your button here
return res
Hi, thanks for helping.
But i don't know where to put
def function_name(self):
res = super(Classname, self).function_name()
# call your button here
return res
*I am not an odoo developer :(
I know how to enter developer mode, and click bug icon , and edit view form
Hello HMMW,
Create one py file in your custom module and write the following code.
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
def action_post(self):
res = super(AccountMove, self).action_post()
#call your mothod here.
return res
def your_method_name(self, function_argument):
#your code
Don't forget to add your py file in __init__.py, then restart odoo service.
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