I've created many2many field. I would like to apply domain filter on the many2many field. The field reference is not storing in the master table but it's creating another table and storing the reference ids. May I know how to apply the domain filter on the many2many field with an example.
http://forum.openerp.com/forum/topic23503.html (the page refers to v6 but that works on v7 as well)
I quote from the prakash link : " <field name="user_id" domain="[('id','in', [id for id in user_ids[0][2]]])]"/>
and you have to make the user_ids as a related field: 'user_ids': fields.related('group_id', 'user_ids', type="many2many", obj="res.users"),
and: the related field must be appear (at least invisible) in the form"