So i'm trying to create a module that inherits the stock_location class, so I can put the 'stock_real' and 'stock_virtual' fields inside the FormView of the product. WORKING ON ODOO V8 by the way.
Basically I want the same tree view (summarized) you get when you clic More-> stock by location (I think, in spanish it says 'existencias por ubicacion', so i'm not sure what it says exactly in english), but inside the formview of each product, inside a new notebook page.
I'm far from the results I want, but my code right now is looking like this:
py file:
class ExistenciaUbicacion(models.Model):
_name = 'existencia.ubicacion'
_inherit = ['stock.location', 'product.product']
stock_real = fields.Float(compute='_product_value', string='Real Stock', multi="stock", store=True)
stock_virtual = fields.Float(compute='_product_value', string='Virtual Stock', multi="stock", store=True)
#i'm redefining the 2 fields, because when I tryed to install the module to check it out, I got errors saying the fields didn't exist... my guess was that it's because both are calculated fields and not stored in the DB, but even tho I redefined them in my new class, I still get the same error:
Error details:
Field `stock_real` does not exist
xml file:
<notebook position="inside">
<page string="Existencias">
<tree string="existencias>
<field name="complete_name"/>
<field name="stock_real">
<field name="stock_virtual">