Hi guys,
I run on an Odoo v10, i got a situation, these are my 3 model:
name = fields.Char()
allowance_ids = fields.One2many('job.allowance.rel', 'job_id')
job_id = fields.Many2one('job')
allowance_id = fields.Many2one('allowance')
value = fields.Float()
I tried to set domain on field allowance_ids to avoid duplicate allowance type but nothing work.
plz help me. Thanks!
avoiding duplicates on uncommitted changes requires a bit of work. you should add onchange event to m2o fields which sets domain for these fields on selection. here your problem will be save vs save&new button. you might have to disable save&new button.
@Bréndou Serge Eric: I'm using your idea too. But it not really convenient for user when number of line become larger. So I want to find a way to limited allowance just show which haven't existed
@F.P.: I tried make a domain both in python code and view but neither work
@Leo, can you show us the code for the domains you have tried ?
I defined an onchange function on job.allowance.rel model:
def _onchange_job(self):
ids = self.job_id.allowance_ids.mapped('allowance_id').ids
return {
'domain': {
'allowance_id': [('id', 'not in', ids)],