I would like to know how to add menu items to the website portal user menu. So that I can put a new menu item before logout and point it to a controller.
Or if it's possible to just get a document for download.
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I would like to know how to add menu items to the website portal user menu. So that I can put a new menu item before logout and point it to a controller.
Or if it's possible to just get a document for download.
try with below code.
<template id="website_menuitem" inherit_id="website.layout" name="header menu">
<xpath expr="//li[@id='o_logout']" position="before">
<a href="/controllername" role="menuitem">Menu name</a>
I hope this will helps you.
Thanks it did the trick. I was trying to it like I found in website_forum module, but it didn't work.
<template id="tabla_instructions_menu_item" inherit_id="website.user_navbar">
<xpath expr="//div[@id='o_website_add_page_modal']//ul" position="inside">
<li groups="website.group_website_designer"><a href="/get-instructions"><i class="fa fa-comment"/><p>Instructions</p></a></li>
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