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New API, how to add image from specified location based on < field name="item_nr"/>, this field will contain number related to the image ...

create link or load directly into form ?

Best Answer

option 1 (same image in all records, may be externally stored, inserting by url):

you can mix html & form record, so you can add any image (if you have link to it) using ordinary HTML img tag, so in your form:

<record id="some_id" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Some STR">
<sheet> ....
<img src="" style="width:300;height:200;"/>

option 2 (different image per record, stored in odoo using binary field):

If you'll use binary field (the fields.Binary one...) to store images in odoo, then you can use widget="image" in your xml, example:

<field name="my_binary_field_name" widget="image" />

(of course you've to add "my_binary_field_name" binary field in your model as well, in python code...) 

see example here: Odoo_8.0/openerp/addons/base/res/res_company_view.xml#L22 

option 3 (different image per record, possibly externally stored, inserting by url using custom widget):

say field "image_url" is a char field containing image url, or such a part of it (as your number in "item_nr"?) that makes it possible to build full url, then in your XML you'll have:

<field name="image_url" widget="my_image_widget" />

here "my_image_widget" is a custom widget you've to implement in javascript. you should generate ordinary html image tag (similar to one in option 1) from inside your custom widget, using value of "image_url" field.


there may be more/better options... good luck ;)

Nice effort Temur ! +1

Nice answer