i inherited the web/login_layout template to make some changes in the login screen of odoo 14. i want to add some links of my company on the login view. static url that i add to my inherited views is working fine. like i make small module for that. now i want it dynamically i can add all the urls that is store in model. how can i do that i try it through xpath and add my fields there that didn't pick the fields actully here is code
<templateid="inherited_login_layout"inherit_id="web.login_layout"name="Login page customization"><xpathexpr="//div[@class='text-center small mt-4 pt-3 border-top']"position="before"><divclass="oe_single_form_footer"style="bottom: -50px;"><divclass="text-center small mt-4 pt-3 border-top"><ahref="https://www.google.com"target="_blank"><span>Googlespan>a><spanclass="oe_footer_seperator">|span><ahref="https://www.facebook.com"target="_blank"><span>Facebookspan>a>div>div>xpath>template>