That is shown when a field is defined as a payment widget(as widget="payment")
Below I've posted the compute function for the paymets_info field
def _get_payment_info_JSON(self):
self.payments_widget = json.dumps(False)
if self.payment_move_line_ids:
info = {'title': _('Less Payment'), 'outstanding': False, 'content': []}
currency_id = self.currency_id
for payment in self.payment_move_line_ids:
payment_currency_id = False
if self.type in ('out_invoice', 'in_refund'):
amount = sum([p.amount for p in payment.matched_debit_ids if p.debit_move_id in self.move_id.line_ids])
amount_currency = sum([p.amount_currency for p in payment.matched_debit_ids if p.debit_move_id in self.move_id.line_ids])
if payment.matched_debit_ids:
payment_currency_id = all([p.currency_id == payment.matched_debit_ids[0].currency_id for p in payment.matched_debit_ids]) and payment.matched_debit_ids[0].currency_id or False
elif self.type in ('in_invoice', 'out_refund'):
amount = sum([p.amount for p in payment.matched_credit_ids if p.credit_move_id in self.move_id.line_ids])
amount_currency = sum([p.amount_currency for p in payment.matched_credit_ids if p.credit_move_id in self.move_id.line_ids])
if payment.matched_credit_ids:
payment_currency_id = all([p.currency_id == payment.matched_credit_ids[0].currency_id for p in payment.matched_credit_ids]) and payment.matched_credit_ids[0].currency_id or False
# get the payment value in invoice currency
if payment_currency_id and payment_currency_id == self.currency_id:
amount_to_show = amount_currency
amount_to_show = payment.company_id.currency_id.with_context(date=payment.date).compute(amount, self.currency_id)
if float_is_zero(amount_to_show, precision_rounding=self.currency_id.rounding):
payment_ref = payment.move_id.name
if payment.move_id.ref:
payment_ref += ' (' + payment.move_id.ref + ')'
'name': payment.name,
'journal_name': payment.journal_id.name,
'amount': amount_to_show,
'currency': currency_id.symbol,
'digits': [69, currency_id.decimal_places],
'position': currency_id.position,
'date': payment.date,
'payment_id': payment.id,
'move_id': payment.move_id.id,
'ref': payment_ref,
self.payments_widget = json.dumps(info)
You can add any field you want to it by changing real code or inheriting it and add value to content
Also you should change account_payment_widget.js and its corresponding qwebview(account_payment.xml)