This is how my form looks
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<template id = "tmp_customer_form" name = "Partner Form">
<t t-call = "website.layout">
<div id = "wrap" class = "alumni">
<div class = "container">
<div class = "col-md-12">
<form action = "/ customer / form / submit">
<table border = "0" width = "100%" class = "table-sign">
<th colspan = "3" style = "color: #ffffff;"> Identify Yourself </th>
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "name"> Alumni Name (Full) </label>
</ Td>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<B>: </ b>
</ td>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "text" name = "name" id = "name" size = "40" required = "" />
</ td>
</ tr>
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "date"> Date Of Birth [DD / MM / YY] </label>
</ td>
<td width = "2%" align = "center" valign = "top">
<B>: </ b>
</ Td>
<td width = "77%" valign = "top">
<input type = "date" name = "date" size = "10" maxlength = "10" required = "" />
</ td>
</ Tr>
<td width = "21%"> </td>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<B>: </ b>
</ Td>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "text" name = "my_teachers1" id = "my_teachers1" size = "20" />
</ td>
</ tr>
<th colspan = "3" style = "color: #ffffff;"> Contact Details </th>
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "city"> City </label>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
</ td>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "text" name = "city" id = "city" size = "30" required = "" />
</ td>
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "state_id"> State </label>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
</ td>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "text" name = "state_id" id = "state_id" size = "30" required = "" />
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "country_id"> Country </label>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "text" name = "country_id" id = "country_id" size = "30" required = "" />
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "phone"> Mobile No. </label>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "text" name = "phone" id = "phone" />
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "email"> Email </label>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "email" name = "email" id = "email" size = "30" />
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
<td width = "77%">
<textarea name = "about" id = "about" rows = "5" cols = "50"> </textarea>
<td width = "21%">
<label for = "image_1920"> Upload Photo </label>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b>: </ b>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "file" name = "image_1920" id = "image_1920" />
<td width = "21%"> </td>
<td width = "2%" align = "center">
<b> </ b>
<td width = "77%">
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit"> </input>
</ form>
<template id = "tmp_customer_form_success" name = "Customer Form Successfully Submitted">
<t t-call = "website.layout">
<div id = "wrap">
<div class = "container">
<div class = "col-md-12">
<div class = "alert alert-success">
<p> Thank You! </ P>
<p> Your form has registered successfully </p>
</ div>
</ div>
</ t>
</ template>
</ odoo>
Here is my
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request
class AlumniForm (http.Controller):
#mention class name
@ http.route (['/ customer / form'], type = 'http', auth = "public", website = True)
#mention a url for redirection.
#define the type of controller which in this case is 'http'.
#mention the authentication to be either public or user.
def alumni_form (self, ** post):
#create method
#this will load the form webpage
return request.render ("sample.tmp_customer_form", {})
@ http.route (['/ customer / form / submit'], type = 'http', auth = "public", website = True)
#next controller with url for submitting data from the form #
def alumni_form_submit (self, ** post):
partner = request.env ['res.partner']. create ({
'name': post.get ('name'),
'date': post.get ('date'),
'city': post.get ('city'),
'state_id': post.get ('state_id'),
'country_id': post.get ('country_id'),
'phone': post.get ('phone'),
'email': post.get ('email'),
'image_1920': post.get ('image_1920'),
vals = {
'partner': partner,
#inherited the model to pass the values to the model from the form #
return request.render ("sample.tmp_customer_form_success", vals)
Now, the coutry, state & the attachment file are not linking to the backend, what should I do?
File Attachment or Upload:
Have you worked in that? It's not working for me