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14 Replies

I want to add company logo and address to the financial reports like profit & loss, balance sheet, etc

Where should i add the logo code so that it'll reflect in every report?

Author Best Answer

I have added the logo and address in report_financial.xml under the account_reports module as below

<template id="main_template">
<div class='o_account_reports_body'>
<div class="container o_account_reports_page o_account_reports_no_print">
<img src='/web/binary/company_logo' class="float-right" style="max-height: 65px; margin-top:20px;"
<span t-field="res_company.partner_id"
t-options='{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}'/>

Thanks to Niyas Raphy for the answer ( ).


Great! So main_template helped you.


Yes Sudhir, it did :) Thanks though

This was really nice. I manged to put logo in partner ledger using the above code. thnks

Best Answer

Hi Sameer,

You can find these reports in "account_reports" module. But there is no such internal layout in the module. 

The report is made up of web XML and the JS. 

I am not sure but check the template "main_template" in the "views/report_financial.xml" file and work around on this if you can pass the company image from the "" file "get_html" method.

It is not that simple like qweb report. You need to do some R&D and work around to make it work.


Thanks for the input and yeah there's no layout in v12 so it shouldn't be as easy as it was done in v11. Will update if anything works out :)

Best Answer


What you can do is that change the internal_layout to external layout in the report. Once you change the report to to external_layout you will get the logo in header of the report.

For this activate the developer mode and navigate to Settings -> Technical -> Reporting -> Reports and search Financial Report. Then open the report and click the Qweb Views smart button in the top right and open that record. In the opening record in the Architecture tab you can see the code, in it 4th or 5th line you can see code like this,

<t t-call="web.internal_layout">

change this line to <t t-call="web.external_layout">



Hi Niyas,

I can neither seem to find "Financial Report" under the Reporting -> Report menu nor the Actions -> Reports menu.

Which version you are using ? My explanation is based on odoo11


I'm using v12, any idea on where to find it in odoo 12 ? It would be even more beneficial if you told me how and where to change it using code so that we wouldn't have to worry about versions.

By default in odoo12 CE, accounting reports are not there, are you using third party modules or enterprise edition ?


Enterprise edition


where can i find these reports in code though? so i can modify it from there.

You will find these reports in "account_reports" module.


Hi Sudhir, I've looked it under account_reports/views/report_financial.xml but couldn't find any internal layout.


There is no external or internal layout defined whatsoever in version 12 so i don't think adding a logo to the report should be as easy as it was done in version 11.

Why negative vote ? Initially you haven't mentioned the version....


That wasn't me and if it makes you feel any better let me make it zero by up voting. Also FYI, I had the tag of odoov12 attached to the question right from the beginning.

didnt noticed the tag, thats why provided the solution in v11, as the accounting reports are not there in v12, assumed you might be v11, anyway happy to see you got solution


Your answer did provide me some insight and you answered fast so +1 for that and Keep up the good work Niyas :) Thanks again for the answer :D

It works. Thanks