What is the code I need to add into the sale.order Qweb view report to display the bank account number and sort code on the saleorder pdf print template?
To help, here is the code for displaying 'Quotation Date' and and 'Salesperson' in the same line that I want this bank account info to be added:
<div t-if="doc.date_order and doc.state in ['draft','sent']" class="col-xs-3">
<strong>Quotation Date:</strong>
<p t-field="doc.date_order"/>
<div t-if="doc.user_id.name" class="col-xs-3">
<p t-field="doc.user_id"/>
Please suggest the lines code I should add in to make this work. Also if there are any other settings within the sale.order report or the Qweb view that I need to change.