I can't figure out what's wrong with my related Many2one field in the ORM API.
If I do the same with Boolean or Float fields it works perfect, but with the Many2one field I get a key error when I open the form with this fields. Without opening a form no error occurs.
Code that works:
account_type = fields.Selection(
'Account Type', related='template_id.account_type',
external_db = fields.Boolean(
'External DB', related='template_id.external_db',
Code that doesn't work:
type_prefix = fields.Many2one(
'Account Type Prefix', related='template_id.type_prefix',
currency_base = fields.Many2one(
'Currency', related='template_id.currency_id',
A bit special is that the the related model is in OSV instead:
'type_prefix': fields.many2one(
'exchange.account.type', 'Account Number Prefix/Type', required=False, size=2,
help="Prefix for Number of the Accounts"),
'currency_id': fields.many2one(
'res.currency', 'Currency', required=True),