How can I create a custom javascript file that adds a new property and function to an inherited object, so that my custom menu item will open a new website?
So far, I created a custom web module that inherits from the original web module in Openerp 7.
I added a new menu item in the User Menu by extending from the UserMenu template in the base.xml file.
Here is my custom xml code that adds a new menu item to the User Menu template.
(custom xml file. This new menu item does appear in the User Menu )
<t t-extend="UserMenu">
<t t-jquery="ul" t-operation="append">
<li><a href="#" data-menu="website">Website Menu Item</a></li>
base.xml (original)
<t t-name="UserMenu">
<span class="oe_user_menu oe_topbar_item oe_dropdown_toggle oe_dropdown_arrow">
<img class="oe_topbar_avatar" t-att-data-default-src="_s + '/web/static/src/img/user_menu_avatar.png'"/>
<span class="oe_topbar_name"/>
<ul class="oe_dropdown_menu">
<li><a href="#" data-menu="settings">Preferences</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-menu="account">My account</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-menu="about">About OpenERP</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-menu="help">Help</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-menu="logout">Log out</a></li>
What I want to do now is inherit the UserMenu object that is defined in the web module's chrome.js file, into my custom javascript file. Then I want to add a property to the UserMenu object so that a new website is opened when the menu item is clicked
Here is what I have so far:
openerp.web_custom = function(instance){
// Add the on_menu_website property to the UserMenu object
instance.web.UserMenu.on_menu_website = function() {
//open the website ... its not working though'', '_blank');
Here is the original js file code:
instance.web.UserMenu = instance.web.Widget.extend({
template: "UserMenu",
init: function(parent) {
... some code here ...
start: function() {
... some code here ...
do_update: function () {
... some code here ...
on_menu_help: function() {
... some code here ...
on_menu_logout: function() {
... some code here ...
on_menu_settings: function() {
... some code here ...
on_menu_account: function() {
... some code here ...
on_menu_about: function() {
... some code here ...
One thing to note, if I add my new code the the original web module files (base.xml, chrome.js) then it works fine. But I want to be able to create a custom web module so that I can add new functionality without modifying the original web module. So my question is, how can I create a custom javascript file that adds a new property and function so that my menu item will open the new website? Thank you for your help