wanted to create a stage in Project . I have added a default group by .
But I cannot make it permanent . How can I make some Stage Folded in
Kanban with a boolean field which is already there in some modules .
Thanks in advance.
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wanted to create a stage in Project . I have added a default group by .
But I cannot make it permanent . How can I make some Stage Folded in
Kanban with a boolean field which is already there in some modules .
Thanks in advance.
Hi Shylok,
When you hover over the top of the stage a cog wheel will appear.
Click this and select edit. in the next screen tick the box for "folded in pipeline"
Just add a Boolean field in your model and give _fold_name = 'Your Boolean Field'
class ClassName(models.Model): _name = 'model.name' _fold_name = 'fold' fold = fields.Boolean(string = 'Folded in Kanban', help = 'This stage is folded in the kanban view when there are no records in that stage to display.')
Hope it helps
it is not working
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Hope this will helps: https://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2022/06/conditionally-fold-kanban-states-selection-field-in-odoo8.html