i want to add new button a product form or e-commerce product form (web front-end ) based on the condition
ex if a boolean filed is true on product form (back-end ) then should be button will be display for product form
********************xml file*********************
<template id="bid_inherit" inherit_id="website_sale.product">
<data inherit_id="website_sale.product">
<xpath expr="//div[@class='js_product']/a" position="after">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dex_car_dealer/static/src/js/serchauto.js"></script>
<form from="role" method="post" t-attf-action="/shop_bid">
<div style="margin: 3% 58% 0 0;">
<label><strong>Last Bid:</strong></label>
<input class="form-control small" placeholder="0.00" name="amount" value="" type="text"/> </div>
<!--<a id="bid" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg mt8 js_check_product">Bid</a>--> <input value="Bid" class="btn btn-info submit" type="submit"/>
@http.route([ '/shop_bid', ], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def bid(self, **post):
bid = request.env['bid']
bid1 = bid.search([])
amount = post.get('amount')
values = { 'bid1':bid }
return request.redirect("dex_car_dealer.bid_inherit", values)