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In my Attendance module I import data from SQL Server Database of my Access Control Device to hr_attendace table of postgres. When I select attendance tab under Human Resource from GUI Date it show is actual time + my local mechine timezone. For example is my timezone is "+6" and actual date is 30/09/"2014 11:00:00" date filed shows 30/09/"2014 17:00:00". If I change locale mechine timezone to "+3", date field will show "30/09/"2014 14:00:00". How I can make openerp to show  Actual Date what are saved in hr_attendace table?

Best Answer

Yes your observation is correct..

According to OperpERP, whatever date saved in database will be converted and saved in UTC format...

So, when Openerp retrieves the date(UTC) from database, it will again convert it to browse timezone (Local Time) ... which is correct in all aspects..

So  best option will be, the data which you have imported, update it to UTC format, then you need have to worry further about conversion..
