Dear Forum!
in this method, the total holidays variable is 20, and the total_record variable is the leave, which is the annual leave, I only need to subtract the total record values from the 20 values. However, if you do not add a value to total_record (that is, if the employee takes a non-annual leave), add +1 to 20.
That is, a value should only be deducted from total_holidays.remaining_count if you take an annual for the type of leave used.
How should I change the method to achieve this?
def _get_current_holiday_pool(self):
for record in self:
current_year =
total_holidays = record.yearly_holidays_ids.filtered(lambda lm:lm.year == current_year)
total_record = total_holidays.mapped("holidays_ids").filtered(lambda == 'annual')
anual_leave_total = 0
for rec in total_holidays:
anual_leave_total += rec.remaining_count or 0
record.current_holiday_pool = anual_leave_total
Thank you for your help!