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Hi, I use the module agaplan_terms_and_conditions to add our sale terms in sale.order report and it works fine. Now I would like to add another document (pdf) in the sale.order report but with condition (if invoice_type_id = 'A value'). I try several syntaxes but I always get the same error message when I open the report : "model - (<type 'exceptions.keyerror'="">, KeyError('model',), <traceback object="" at="" 0x7ffa3a2e5248="">) ".

Does somebody know how to set the conditions in term rules ?




Hi Virginie, did you finally found out something, I'm having the same problem actually

Best Answer


Find the solution for use this module to Odoo 8 :

Best Answer

Hello Virginie & Victor I have installed this module. I have created terms and rules but nothing seems to happen. I know iam making some errors in configuration. Can you please help me to configure?


Hello. Did you go to Configuration - Terms ? What do you see there ? You need to configure there the Terms app, by uploading the documents you want to be appended to your quotes/invoices.

Sorry iam new to this requirement ,so can u help me a bit to understand .

i have uploaded 1 pdf file contain 1line of string. I did following configuration-> Insertion mode=after report report=invoice report name=account.invoice condition=

but nothing seems to reflect on accounting->customer invoice-> report

Can you help me to know the steps 1by 1 because i didn't found any documentation.

what happen if you replace account.invoice by sale.order, then print a quotation/sale order ?

Yes , now its working for sale order. But why not invoices? Do i have to customize this module ?

and iam using condition= object.partner_id.print_terms,'=','t' but it always display the string in report. What condition i need to use to restrict it.

what do you want to do with this condition? I don't understand what you aim to do with it.

A new boolen field "print term" added to customer form (sale & purchase tab). When this field is true attachment will always be included in the selected report else not.

replace object.partner_id.print_terms,'=','t' by object.partner_id.print_terms and it should be fine.


Hi all,

I forget to indicate that I'm working on 6.1. I don't know if you have the same version as you.

Now it was resolve on our database but we have meet some problems with firefox 22.0 (see : and python code.

Our version of agaplan wasn't the same as latest apps. We have the version modified in 04/02/2013.

However I try to add terms on invoice report and it is ok for us.


@victor: cool, its working now. and if i want attachment other than sale.order, do i need to customized the module?

:) No it should work also for account.invoice and other report without customization.

Thanks victor :-)


I installed the agaplan module (OpenERP 7), and it's working only for report_account_invoice and not for report_sale_order. Has anyone faced the same issue ?

Best Answer

The environnement provided by the module to define conditions is as follow:

env = {
'object': model_obj,
'report': report_xml,
'data': data,
'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'time': time,
'context': context,

So to access your model in the condition, use 'object', for instance


Nevertheless invoice_type_id is not in the sale.order object field list. You may go through invoice_ids field
