class ProductAutoBarcode(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.product'
@api.model def create(self, vals):
numbers = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('product.barcode') or _('New')
#vals.update({'barcode':numbers}) #i try same result
#vals['barcode'] = numbers #i try same result
res = super(ProductAutoBarcode, self).create(vals)
res.write({'barcode': numbers})
return res
Problem is
Case 1
when i create product with single variants like Size = Small its not generate barcode seqence even show in print command
barcode filed = empty
Case 2
when i create product with multi variants like Size = Small,Medium,Large barcode is generated at that time its skip first varients Small
product size small empty
product size medium 0xxxxxxxxxx ok
product size Large 0xxxxxxxxxx ok
Case 3
In short its leave always first barcode number for first product variants