Hi I want to get specific(static) account and partner to do new acount.move and account.move.line. How I can do this?
I have other custions aout this. I put it in the code comments.
Thx in advance
self.journal_entry = self.env['account.move'].create({
'journal_id': journal, # i dont understand this value
'partner_id': self.container.partner.id, #i need this value static
'date': fields.Date.context_today(self)
credit_line = self.env['account.move.line'].create({
'move_id': self.journal_entry.id, #its this autoincrement?
'account_id': self.product.revenue_account, # i need this value static
'partner_id': self.container.partner.id, # i need this value static
'name': 'Finish '+self.job_name, # im generate this value
'credit': self.cost # i have this value