Hello everyone! I collided with hiding menu item (mail.mail_my_stuff) for specific user group which i created.
My user consists of the many groups "base.group_user" , "base.my_group", ... and other. I wanted hide some menu item for users are only just in my created group - base.my_group.
I tried add this in mail_security.xml :
<record id="mail.mail_my_stuff" model="ir.ui.menu">
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(3,ref('base.my_group'))]"/>
but this code don't work.
I tried add groups="base.group_user" for menu item teg in .xml file, but base.my_group users inherit base.group_user from another groups and this don't work.
What i do wrong and how ristrict access to menu items for specific group in this case?