Hi. I'm trying to enable CORS in Odoo v11 but i can't do it without modify odoo\service\wsgi_server.py file. I have read that it's possible handling the requests in a custom module, but i dont know how to. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
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Hi. I'm trying to enable CORS in Odoo v11 but i can't do it without modify odoo\service\wsgi_server.py file. I have read that it's possible handling the requests in a custom module, but i dont know how to. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
if you make Http request (not using xml-rpc) then for enabling CORS for a particular route/endpoint you can pass cors params on a route like
@http.route('/my/route', type='json', auth='none', cors='*')
def my_route(self):
def wsgi_xmlrpc(environ, start_response):
""" Two routes are available for XML-RPC
/xmlrpc/<service> route returns faultCode as strings. This is a historic
violation of the protocol kept for compatibility.
/xmlrpc/2/<service> is a new route that returns faultCode as int and is
therefore fully compliant.
# extra code added by abhishek(me) for Cors Correnction
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "OPTIONS":
response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response('OPTIONS METHOD DETECTED')
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, GET, OPTIONS'
response.headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = 1000
# note that '*' is not valid for Access-Control-Allow-Headers
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'origin,x-csrftoken,*,content-type, accept'
return response(environ, start_response)
#extra code ended
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' and environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith('/xmlrpc/'):
length = int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
data = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length)
# Distinguish betweed the 2 faultCode modes
string_faultcode = True
service = environ['PATH_INFO'][len('/xmlrpc/'):]
if environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith('/xmlrpc/2/'):
service = service[len('2/'):]
string_faultcode = False
params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(data)
result = odoo.http.dispatch_rpc(service, method, params)
response = xmlrpclib.dumps((result,), methodresponse=1, allow_none=False)
except Exception as e:
if string_faultcode:
response = xmlrpc_handle_exception_string(e)
response = xmlrpc_handle_exception_int(e)
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(
)(environ, start_response)
def application_unproxied(environ, start_response):
""" WSGI entry point."""
# cleanup db/uid trackers - they're set at HTTP dispatch in
# web.session.OpenERPSession.send() and at RPC dispatch in
# odoo.service.web_services.objects_proxy.dispatch().
# /!\ The cleanup cannot be done at the end of this `application`
# method because werkzeug still produces relevant logging afterwards
if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'uid'):
del threading.current_thread().uid
if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'dbname'):
del threading.current_thread().dbname
if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'url'):
del threading.current_thread().url
with odoo.api.Environment.manage():
# Try all handlers until one returns some result (i.e. not None).
for handler in [wsgi_xmlrpc, odoo.http.root]:
result = handler(environ, start_response)
if result is None:
return result
# We never returned from the loop.
return werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound("No handler found.\n")(environ, start_response)
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You want to activate workers?
I read that the best way to do it it's through a proxy where handle the requests headers. It's a good solution, I guess.