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I'm trying to set up a sales funnel for a direct sales (b2c) company that wants to track leads from conception to eventual outcome, then be able to extract that data to analyse bottlenecks, performances, cost, etc.  

Some outcomes are sales and some are lost at numerous stages. As best I can tell, when you escalate a lead/opportunity to a new sales team for the next stage and reassign the sales man, the previous sales rep become unassigned. Are those previous actions still availabe to be reported/analysed or are they just gone? 

And lead/opportunity analysis seems to report the current state of the sales funnel only. what about the lost/inactive leads from previous cycles? Are they archived and I'm just missing something?

I have poured over all the training and tech references I can find and I have to say for such a major opensource project finding simple instructions on usage is next to impossible. Is there a good manual that I have overlooked or do you have to pay somebody for the most basic usage training in Odoo?
