I inherited a view and added some new (existing) fields to a list, but I would like to change the default labels for these fields because they are too long. I tried adding _<label for="product_name" string="Product Name"/>_ in my XML file, but this causes the server to throw an Invalid XML Architecture error. Is it a problem with the syntax of the _<label>_ tag, or do I have to use the _<xpath>_ element?
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="name" position="after">
<field name="product_name" string="Product Name"/>
<!--<label for="product_name" string="Product Name"/>-->
<field name="product_code"/>
Could you post the whole code block? What are you trying to accomplish with the
The label tag that is.
I posted the "arch" bit. The default label for "product_name" is "Supplier Product Name". I was trying to shorten that with the label tag to either "Product Name" or simply, "Name".