Hi !
I know how works variants prices, with base price and price extra.
I know how to set pricelists to compute the price based on the supplier price.
But how to do both ?
I mean, if I have two variants, that a supplier sell at a different price, will I have to decide one of them as the base price, calculate the selling base price, based on this one, then convert and substract it from the other price to calculate the prixe extra...
It seems complicated for a simple thing.
Ok, it seems no one understood what I was saying...
So far, to manage supplier prices, I use the field pricelist.partnerinfo.price, which is linked to the model product.supplierinfo, which is, in turn, linked to product.template.
Next, a product variant is, in fact, a product.product, linked to its base, the product.template. What defines the selling price of a variant is the selling price of the template + the price extra of the variant, defined in the model product.attribute.price.
Many variants belongs to one template, and a template will have only one price per supplier (per quantity minimumu, but that's another story). Two prices cannot fit in one spot...
+1 here. I don't think you can calculate price depending on supplier price AND extra price. Extra price for a variant directly change de sale price of an item. You must depend on sale price OR supplier cost price.
Yes. I suppose we have three solutions here: - wait for a proposal - do the dirty work ourselves (this involves product.attribute.price, product.pricelist, and gods knows whatever else) - use a workaround / don't use variants when price is different / less frendly :/ Unfortunately, I think I will use the third solution here. Don't have time to do the second one.