Hi everybody.
I want to change size of image . I view it by Kanban but image is too withd .
Can you help me???
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Hi everybody.
I want to change size of image . I view it by Kanban but image is too withd .
Can you help me???
Hi, Find the class of your image tag. If it not present create one.
For eg:
<img t-att-src="kanban_image('product.template', 'image_small', record.id.value)" class="oe_kanban_image"/>
In your static/src/css file:
.oe_kanban_image {
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
I tried it. but it does not change. I need some your help
<record model='ir.ui.view' id='danh_sach_nv_kanban_view'>
<field name='name'>danh sách nv</field>
<field name='model'>danh.sach.nv</field>
<field name='type'>kanban</field>
<field name='arch' type='xml'>
<field name='ten_bp'/>
<field name='ten_nv'/>
<field name='ma_nv'/>
<field name='image_nv'/>
<t t-name='kanban-box'>
<div class='oe_product_vignette'>
<div class='oe_product_img'>
<a type='edit'><img t-att-src='kanban_image('danh.sach.nv', 'image_nv', record.id.value)' class='oe_product_img'/></a>
<div class='oe_product_desc'>
<h4><a type='edit'><field name='ten_bp'></field></a></h4>
<li><field name='image_nv'/></li>
<li><field name='ten_nv'/></li>
<li><field name='ma_nv'/></li>
$('.oe_product_photo').load(function() { if($(this).width() > $(this).height()) { $(this).addClass('oe_product_photo_wide') } });
I saw its error :<a type='edit'><img t-att-src='kanban_image('danh.sach.nv', 'image_nv', record.id.value)' class='oe_product_img'/></a>
I dont know it error? Can anybody help me?
I recomend to use the style attribute on XML, there you can specify width and height. I think is simplier to use. You can use it on the image or in the div where is your image inside. For example, for adding and resizing the company's logo you can use the next code:
############FOR QWEB################
<div style="width:30mm; height:30mm;">
<img t-if="res_company.logo" t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,%s' %res_company.logo" style="width:60px; height:40px;"/>
############FOR A FORM###############
<div style="width:30mm; height:30mm;">
<img src='/your_module/static/img/your_company_logo.png' class="oe_left" style="width:30mm; height:30mm;"/>
Hope this is usefull for you.
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There is step by step guide look into this: http://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2020/07/how-to-resize-image-on-saving-records-in-odoo.html
If you want to resize image in kanban for Odoo14: https://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2021/09/dynamically-image-resizing-save-write-odoo14.html