I'm trying to create and update records via XML. Creating the records is fine, but when I try to update a m2m field (implied_ids for example) it simply doesn't work, the implied_ids field keeps the the initial values. I tried using the (6, False, [id, ...]) for updating the field but it's not working. noupdate is set to 0.
- 1 creating the record :
<record model="res.users.role" id="my_role">
<field name='name'>My role</field>
<field name='implied_ids' eval="[(6, 0, [ref('hr.group_hr_user')])]"/>
=> this creates the record with the group_hr_user group in implied_ids
- 2 updating the record :
Now if i'm willing for example to update the implied_ids with another group (group_hr_manager), I do the following but it doesn't work. The field keeps the old group :
<record model="res.users.role" id="my_role">
<field name='name'>My role</field>
<field name='implied_ids' eval="[(6, 0, [ref('hr.group_hr_manager')])]"/>
Any idea ?
I already made sure noupdate is set to 0 as I stated in my question
I tried that as well and didn't work :(
Updating Record: Does it only shows "group_hr_user" group only or it show both user and manager groups after update?