we use odoo 9.
When there is no internet connection and I want to add a new product in pos; The fund regiments
I want the function that blocks the page not to be called when the internet connection is not established.
Can anyone help us with this?
Now i am be able to get back to green light connection. to do it you may try follow this steps
1. Login as Administrator
2. Activate Developer Mode
3. Go to POS --> Start Session
4. you will notice on the right side there are some message in black box
5. you click on Delete Unpaid Order --> message popup and ask you if you want to remove offline data --> click yes
6. you click on Delete Paid Order --> message popup and ask you if you want to remove offline data --> click yes
7. you will see the green light back.
8. log out from system and login again.
you are good to go now. remember that all your offline transaction will be lost with this method.
let me know if this method work.
Technical and Functional Consultant (ODOO)
Allhafeez Shopping Mall