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Hello, currently I am working on attendance module which in check am getting 5:30 extra time because it is in UTC format. I want this time in Ist timezone how can i fix this 

Best Answer

To change the timezone of the attendance records in Odoo, you will need to do the following:

Set the correct timezone in the system configuration: Go to Settings > General Settings > Timezone and select the desired timezone (e.g., "Asia/Calcutta" for IST). This will ensure that the system uses the correct timezone for all date and time-related operations.

Convert the attendance records to the new timezone: If the attendance records are currently stored in a different timezone (e.g., UTC), you will need to convert them to the new timezone. You can do this using the following steps:

Create a new field to store the attendance time in the new timezone: Add a new field (e.g., "attendance_time_ist") to the hr.attendance model to store the attendance time in the new timezone.

Convert the attendance time to the new timezone: Use the localize() method of the pytz library to convert the attendance time to the new timezone. For example:

import pytz

# Convert attendance time from UTC to IST

attendance_time_utc = attendance.check_in

attendance_time_ist = pytz.utc.localize(attendance_time_utc).astimezone(pytz.timezone('Asia/Calcutta'))

# Update the attendance record with the new time

attendance.attendance_time_ist = attendance_time_ist

attendance.write({'attendance_time_ist': attendance_time_ist})

Update the attendance views to use the new field: Update the attendance views (e.g., the form view, list view, etc.) to use the new field (attendance_time_ist) instead of the old field (check_in).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance
