I need to change the logo size in my website in button print pdf:
<template id="layout_logo_show_my" inherit_id="website.layout" customize_show="True" name="My Show Logo">
<xpath expr="//header//a[@class='navbar-brand']" position="replace">
<a href="/" class="navbar-brand logo">
<img src="/logo.png" t-att-alt="'Logo of %s' % res_company.name" t-att-title="res_company.name" style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 150px;/>
ParseError: "Error while validating constraint
Element '<xpath expr="//header//a[@class='navbar-brand']">' cannot be located in parent view
Error context:
View `Show Logo`
[view_id: 790, xml_id: website.layout_logo_show, model: n/a, parent_id: 788]
can help me?