So I have this 2 classes.
class Relocation(models.Model):
_name = 'test.plan_relocation'
type = fields.Selection()
price_id = fields.Many2one('test.plan_price',domain="[('type','=',type)]")
relocation_line_ids = fields.One2many('test.plan_relocation_line','relocation_id')
and this
class RelocationLine(models.Model):
_name = 'test.plan_relocation_line'
relocation_id = fields.Many2one('test.plan_relocation')
source_id = fields.Many2one('test.plan_spending_actual',required=True)
available_source = fields.Float(related='source_id.available',default=0,readonly=True)
The thing is I want to filter the "source_id" based on the "price_id" field. How can I achieve that?
I'm using Odoo 8.
Thank you so much for your help.