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<field name="sale_id_all" widget = "many2many_tags" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('del_states','!=','all'),('saleorder_checkbox','!=',True)]}"  domain = "[('state','not in',('draft','cancel'))]"/>

in same code if condition ('del_states','!=',done)

domain = "[('state','=','done')]",

if condition ('del_states','!=','pending')

domain = "[('state','not in',('draft','cancel','done'))]"  

 i want to change domain according to conditions how can i set multiple domain or any other way to solve this problem.?

Best Answer

Hi ,

in py file for the model just define onchange function for del_states


def onchange(self):


if self.del_states != 'done':

domain= [('state','=','done')]

# define domain as per condition and at last

return {'domain':{'sale_id_all':domain}}


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/", line 543, in _handle_exception

return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/", line 580, in dispatch

result = self._call_function(**self.params)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/", line 316, in _call_function

return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/service/", line 118, in wrapper

return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/", line 313, in checked_call

return self.endpoint(*a, **kw)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/", line 809, in __call__

return self.method(*args, **kw)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/openerp/", line 409, in response_wrap

response = f(*args, **kw)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/addons/web/controllers/", line 944, in call_kw

return self._call_kw(model, method, args, kwargs)

File "/home/pchouksey1/workspace/dexciss/core/addons/web/controllers/", line 936, in _call_kw

return getattr(request.registry.get(model), method)(, request.uid, *args, **kwargs)

TypeError: onchange() takes exactly 1 argument (8 given)

i'm trying as you write above onchange method but when we select state in the del_state field it's giving this error.


Hi Sarga,

In .xml

<field name="del_states" widget = "selection" attrs="{'invisible': [('states_checkbox','!=',True)]}"/>

<field name="sale_id_all" widget = "many2many_tags" attrs="{'invisible': [('saleorder_checkbox','!=',True)]}"/>

In .py

del_states = fields.Selection([




],'States',default = 'all')

sale_id_all = fields.Many2many('sale.order',string = 'Sale Order')


def onchange(self):


if self.del_states != 'done':

domain= [('state','=','done')]

if self.del_states != 'pending':

domain= [('state','not in',('draft','cancel','done'))]

if self.del_states != 'all':

domain= [('state','not in',('draft','cancel'))]

Hi apoorv,

I tried creating two similar fields as in your py and for me it worked fine . Does it make an entry into the onchange function?

Just rename the onchange function as def _onchange_state.


Thanks Sarga. it will work,