At the bottom of the documentation states "The system administrator can re-open a period, which have been closed by mistake.".
When a fiscal year is closed it can contain a mix of open and closed periods. Can the system administrator also re-open a fiscal year? How?
P.S.: I noticed that under "Accounting -> Periodic Processing -> End of Period -> Cancel Closing Entries" (a very promising name!) I'm not offered a closed year. I also noticed in accounting/wizard/ (also a very promising name) entries are removed, but the state of the fiscal year is not changed.
If I tell Postgres to
UPDATE account_fiscalyear SET state="draft" where name="2013 (My fiscal year)" and state="done";
then it does become available in the "Cancel Closing Entries" form. Is that how it's done - change the state internally and use Cancel Closing Entries afterwards???
Thanks for any pointers.