i have some user in advisor group accounting
but i want to prevent them to show salaries journal , its entries , items and from finantial report
this user added in tab in journal notebook
if he go to balance sheet
he can show total salaries but can't click on arrow and show details
i tried javascript but i can't do it
odoo.define('module.nt_hr_payroll_community', function (require) {
"use strict";
var menu = document.getElementsByClassName('o_dropdown_menu dropdown-menu o_filter_menu show')
document.getElementsByClassName('o_dropdown_menu dropdown-menu o_filter_menu show')[0].addEventListener("onClick", hideJournal);
function hideJournal(){
if (menu){
// var ajax = require('web.ajax');
var nodes = menu[0].childNodes
var v = ''
for (i of nodes){
if(i.tagName == 'A'){
if (i.textContent){
journal = i.textContent.replace(/\s/g, '')
if(journal == 'Bank'){
i tried this code but dosn't work