Hi odoo forum!
I have a field called :
yearly_holidays_ids = fields.One2many('hr.employee.yearly.holidays','employee_id')
in hr.employee model and i create this field here too:
current_holiday_pool= fields.Integer(compute='_get_current_holiday_pool',store=True)
i need to get this
remaining_count= fields.Integer(compute='_compute_remaining_count',store=True)
data from \hr.employee.yearly.holidays model to hr.employee model filtered by current year
year=fields.Integer(readonly=True)(this field also in hr.employee.yearly.holidays model)
So,how do i count in the field below current_holiday_pool to get these data from hr.employee.yearly.holidays model ?
Thank you for your help!
Hi Odoomates!
This way I got the field data from another model field called 'remaining_count'? I mean the remaining_count field is in hr.employee.yearly.holidays model and already have a computed field, I need a new field ín hr.employee called current.holiday.pool, and the one2many filed called yearly.holiday.ids also here, so I need to get data from this one2many filed