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3 Replies

As an accountant, I want to make sure that my invoice and other entry numbering for the next financial year is correct. How can I set the entry sequences? 


Hi, for invoices it works fine, but I have problem with sales orders, it keeps using only one continuous sequence no matter what fiscal year is selected. It looks like it uses computers current date, no matter what I enter in Date field. Is there any solution also for sales orders ?


Go to Settings > Technical > Sequences & Identifiers > Sequences. Select the sequence of sequence type "Sales Order". You can add a new sequence per fiscal year as explained for the invoices.

Author Best Answer

When you want to create appropriate entry sequences for the new financial year, make sure to create the financial year first. For more information about creating a financial year, refer to 

As a Financial Manager with also Administration > Settings user rights, go to Accounting > Configuration > Journals > Journals. Select a journal for which you want to add a new entry sequence. Click the blue link of the Entry Sequence field.

In the window that opens, click the Edit button. Usually the first sequence you use in Odoo will be on the Sequence tab. To add a new sequence, go to the Fiscal Years tab and click Add an item. In the Fiscal Year dropdown, select the new financial year you have created. In the Sequence box, type the name of your new sequence, e.g. Sales Invoices 2015. Then click Create and Edit.

In the Prefix / Suffix field, you can add alphanumeric characters that will be added to the sequence, i.e. 2015/. Number padding means that zeroes will be added in front of the Next Number. In the example below, the new invoice number will 2015/00001. The Implementation should be No gap if the numbering should contain no gaps. Save the sequence.

You can use the same procedure for your other Journal Entry Sequences.

Best Answer

Thanks for your response, Els. I'm not able to post comments, so posting my reply to your comment as an answer. I have set sequences for fiscal years for invoices and sales orders exactly the same way. With invoices it works, but with sales orders it don't work. I guess that it takes fiscal year from current date (creation date) instead of sales order date (effective date).

Example: I have two fiscal years, 2014 and 2015, three sales order sequences (main is called SO, one for FY 2014 called SO14 and one for FY 2015 called SO15 - last two are associated to SO in its Fiscal Years tab). If I enter new sales order today, with date 13.2.2015 it will get number from sequence SO15. But if I today enter sales order and set its date to 30.12.2014, it will still get number from sequence SO15, what is from my point of view wrong. If I set my computers date to 30.12.2014, all the sales orders gets number from SO14 no matter what is sales order date.

What we need is some kind of patch to change fiscal year, passed to sequence when creating new sales order, to year from sales order date. Am I right or I've missed simething ?



TO Jose:

I have problem with sales orders, not with invoices, with invoices it works OK and exactly as described above by Els, and I believe it is also from legal point of view correct. Invoices have to be numbered unambiguously, and it is up to you if you want to have one sequence per fiscal year (which seems to be logical to me, allowed both legally and by Odoo) or one sequence for all the times (also legally allowed and also allowed by Odoo). Only issue I see is, that sales orders numbering works differently that invoices... and that's it :-)


Maybe I'm not explaining this issue clearly...

Year 2014: SO140001, SO140002, ... SO140555 - all entered in year 2014

Year 2015: SO150001, SO150002, SO15003 - all entered in first days of 2015

Now is for example January 3rd 2015 and I want to enter a sales order effective to year 2014, I enter order date 31.12.2014 and it should be ordered last in the sequence SO14xxx (SO140556), but when I enter it, it will go to sequence SO15xxx and it will get number SO15003, what is from my point of view wrong - because it selects fiscal year according to current date and not to date of the sales order.

I have found some more threads solving this issue, but didn't find a solution yet.

Best Answer


I tried to do the same as you did and I would say it is a legal matter that all your invoices have an ordered number sequence. To do what you want, the system would have to rename all the post dated invoices adding 1 to the sequence, which I don't think is legal or even pertinent.

Edit: this is why you get your document ordered as last one in the fiscal year.

Best regards,

