In V6 you can set the permissions in crm.lead using this domain:
But in V7 context_section_id doesn't exist, so how can I filter this same domain in V7?
I'd tried this:
and it gives me this error:
NameError: name 'uid' is not defined.
Also, trying this:
NameError: name 'section_id' is not defined
So, it seems like there is no section_id
for user_id
Maybe something like this would work:
'section_id','=', 'section_id' for 'member_id' of 'user_id' from 'sale_member_rel' table
But I don't know how to write this code...
Your question title is not clear. Please edit it. Also, make sure to escape your underscores to display them instead of writing in italic.
in early versions of v7, i used "" but I had to add "default_" for the later versions of v7