I'd like to display the current exchange rate to the company's base currency at the bottom of the invoice. What object/value/function am I looking for.
As a side note, is there a reference of the various fields available within a report?
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I'd like to display the current exchange rate to the company's base currency at the bottom of the invoice. What object/value/function am I looking for.
As a side note, is there a reference of the various fields available within a report?
HI All, I know is more than three years, but I came across the same need and I have a solution in odoo 9.
Modify the report -> report_invoice_document
And Add the following code, it may not be pretty but it works for me and it can give the idea on what to do :
<div class="row" t-if="o.move_id.line_ids[0].amount_currency > 0"> <div class="col-xs-6"> <table class="table table-condensed"> <thead> <tr> <th>Currency</th> <th>Rate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <span t-field="o.currency_id"/> </td> <td> <t t-if="o.move_id.line_ids[0].debit >0"> <t t-set="therate" t-value="o.move_id.line_ids[0].debit/ o.move_id.line_ids[0].amount_currency"/> </t> <t t-if="o.move_id.line_ids[0].credit >0"> <t t-set="therate" t-value="o.move_id.line_ids[0].credit / o.move_id.line_ids[0].amount_currency"/> </t> $<span t-esc="therate"/> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>
Hope this helps
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