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2 Replies

In res_partner we have added a work_email field. Every module that now uses should start using the res_user.work_email

offcourse we can't change all the code.

Can i add a new field to res_user 'email': fields.related('email_work', type='char') and have now all code using the other email?


Best Answer

Would it be easier if you just migrate (copy) the values from work_email to email?  Why is work_email in the first place?

Author Best Answer

Both fields need to be in res_partner.

But all internal mail should go to email_work. people can have a private email also as our application has also an external use where we communicate via email instead of email_work

So copying is not a working solution




Well, the problem with the solution that you are proposing will actually "removes" the original email field. Which not what you desire, CMIIW. So, since OpenERP is working with the main 'email' field for mailing, it would be best to keep the main email address in the 'email' field and then let the other email address be just informational field.