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I want update my OS. I am a webdesigner so we have mostly to move the httpdocs folder and exprt import the mySQL Database :)

I think i now how to import export the database from openERP but which are the "httpdocs-Folder" by the open-ERP Server.

Which folders i have to backup?

I think the best is when i install openERP on the new system again and then overwrite the folders i have backupd. is that right or there is a better way? some tutorials?


This may be too obvious but, it'd be wrong not to say it . . . be sure you have the complete sequence of operations of installation tested on someone else's W8 machine, before you kill the XP machine. Another suggestion I can't say too often: get in the habit of using virtual machines all over the place, all the time. They're cheap, easy and will save you massive amounts of time and worry. Virtual Box and VMWare both have wonderfully easy to use kits, that do far more than you need.

Best Answer

Overwrite the folders is not a right way,

1) First of all, you need to take backup of your databases from old OS(Windows XP) and also copy your custom modules and core addons. please refer (Backup and Restore OpenERP Database)

2) Install OpenERP- 7.0 version in windows 8. please refer (Installation of OpenERP 7)

3) Restore your database.

Hope it will work.


After logging in, you might have to update the module list, if there modules have been modified or added.