This question is for V11 CE. In the business I work for, many of our contacts are not customers, but suppliers or donators (a custom field added to the res.partner). Our users can often forget to deselect that boolean field and select the right one, which means contacts don't show up correctly in filtered lists.
Consequently, I would like I want to modify the Contact creation process so that the customer boolean field (Is a Customer) is not set to True by default. How can I do this? I would also like it to happen when using the 'Convert to Task' button that is created when the 'Lead to Tasks' (crm_project) module is installed. This process creates a new contact that also has the customer boolean set to True, though I am guessing it uses the same process that creating a new contact from the Contacts menu does.
Also, I would like it if at least one of the customer, supplier or donator booleans must be set to True before a new contact can be saved, to prevent users creating contacts that don't belong to any of the contact types.