Hello everyone!
I'm about to using Odoo (v10) to run several webshops and websites. To share the frontend style (css) I've managed the structure into several modules to inherit style definitions from less-files. The structure looks as followed:
default_theme/static/private/less/default.less (includes header.less, variables and so on)
default_shop/static/private/less/default.less (imports default.less from default_theme + header.less of this module)
shop_A/static/private/less/theme.less (imports default.less from the default_shop + header.less of this module and several additional variables and specifications for the shop)
The only less file that will be included via assets XML will be the one from the shop_A module. That is my setup / idea.
When I run the system I get the following error:
Local import '../../default_theme/static/private/less/default.less' is forbidden for security reasons.
When I dive into the source code I've seen that as soon as there are any "." in the import paths the script will fail.
How can I manage my less files into separate files instead of writing one large less file? Furthermore I want to split the style logic into several reusable modules instead of one module.
Hope that maybe someone can help me out.