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I need to setup OpenERP in a scenario in which, I want certain users outside my company, belonging to others, can access the system but can not see the information of other users, only yours, for example, their contacts, clients, etc. I especially want to commercial vendors can not see the rest of commercial information between theirs, but they can all work on the same platform.

I am interested isolate CRM information, they would not have access to other modules, such as my company's own employees.

It would be possible to do this through a multi-company setup or need a security module that allows setting permissions more fully?

In SugarCRM was made ​​possible by a module, roles and permissions, but unknown to the security model using OpenERP, if anyone can give me any indication, it would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

If you haven't already, you should look at the Portal module.

"Customize access to your OpenERP database to external users by creating portals."

A portal defines a specific user menu and access rights for its members. This menu can ben seen by portal members, anonymous users and any other user that have the access to technical features (e.g. the administrator). Also, each portal member is linked to a specific partner.

The module also associates user groups to the portal users (adding a group in the portal automatically adds it to the portal users, etc). That feature is very handy when used in combination with the module 'share'.

It has additional modules that sit on top of it, such as the Portal Sale module:

"This module adds a Sales menu to your portal as soon as sale and portal are installed."

After installing this module, portal users will be able to access their own documents via the following menus:

  • Quotations
  • Sale Orders
  • Delivery Orders
  • Products (public ones)
  • Invoices
  • Payments/Refunds

If online payment acquirers are configured, portal users will also be given the opportunity to pay online on their Sale Orders and Invoices that are not paid yet. Paypal is included by default, you simply need to configure a Paypal account in the Accounting/Invoicing settings.

For CRM, I believe the only thing that is available on the portal is a lead generation form.


Thanks Ray. I will try this module. I have seen the download page for this module, but there is no version for OpenERP 7, or I have to try with "thunk" version?

This module IS part of 7.0. It is shipped with the software and/or available from Settings --> Modules --> Apps.


Ok Ray. I have seen this comment "For CRM, I believe the only thing that is available on the portal is a lead generation form", and CRM is the most important information that I want isolate for every external user, so is there another module for implement permissions and security in OpenERP 7?

Is your definition of CRM the same? To OpenERP, CRM is really just leads and opportunities - the internally managed first part of the sales funnel, not customers. What exactly do you want shared to your customers?


I agree with you on the definicición of CRM, but the problem is that my client it would be like every member of the sales team had its own private CRM, but all information is available to managers, who could see everything.

Maybe portal module is not your solution.You can use the groups and rules for this porpuse. See on user configuration, Sales User: Own Leads Only

Now that I understand your question better, I think you want to look (at least) at Sales Teams.


Hi Juanjo, I need isolate all information in CRM, not only leads, but I will try this. Thanks!


Hi Ray, I didnt know about Sales Teams, I will try too this option. Multi-Company configuration can be another option, but Im not sure about this, still Im looking for a solution.


Well, after try many ways, I have see an option called "Technical options" in Access Righs for every user. If you check this option, you can get much more control and you can use many options was hidden. One of this is you can create groups, in fact, default Access Rights are the default groups en OpenERP, but you can create others, and apply rules and more control access.

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