How can i fetch the user id which belongs to the res.user model? I have a list of records and i am traversing them all one by one and check if a certain condition meet. In the matched case condition i need to copy all the field's value and create a new record. I'm able to fetch all the value except one, which is "assigned_to" this fields is related to "res.users"
duties = env['x_duties'].search(["&",["x_studio_automated_flag","=",True],["x_studio_reoccurred_task","=",False]])
for duty in duties:
# some code...
if duty.x_studio_on_date_or_after_days == 'on_date':
user_id = duty.x_studio_assigned_to
#some code....
env['x_duties'].create({'x_name': '[Automated] '+ duty.x_name , 'x_studio_details' :duty.x_name, , 'x_studio_assigned_to' : user_id 'x_studio_reoccurred_task' : True })
I want the user id as 39 but it is fetching a value like " res.users(39,)"
It worked like a charm Anu. Thank you so much :)