I'm trying to find a solution for the following problem in Odoo: Sometimes our customers buy a product that will not be delivered all at once with the other products on the sales order. In these cases the products may be delivered later on multiple given moments. I also do not want to order these products immediately, but at a later time.
Is it possible to accomplish this with routing? If I allow specifying the routing on the sales order lines, can I delay delivery and purchasing? But how could I specify the dates that I want the products to be delivered?
Thanks in advance!
Also, I currently have enabled in Sales:
Configuration / Quotation & Sales / Date: "Allow to modify the
sales order dates to postpone deliveries and procurements"
This gives me the option to specify a "Requested Date" on the
Sales quotation/order (on the "Other information" tab), but
obviously it does not allow me to change it per line.
I could create multiple sales orders, but then I have the problem
that I want to invoice the items only on the first sales
order (but not order them from my vendor, or deliver them to my
customer). And the subsequent orders need to only generate the
purchase order and delivery orders, but no invoices. Is there a
way to configure that?