I want the add a selection field to my model. In this selection i want the see companies. I tried something like this but didn't work.
res_comp = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="res.company", string="TEST") company = fields.Selection(related="res_comp.name", readonly=False) """
How Can I do something like that ?
And I have a one question too. For example user select a company "A". I want the use this selection "A" inside of function. How can i use this. For example.
res_comp = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="res.company", string="TEST") company = fields.Selection(related="res_comp.name", readonly=False) #I know the above 2 lines of code don't work but I suppose it does. def test_func(self): print(company)
But it's can't print the asd.
I need help about this two question. Thank you for time.