Hi, there!
I'm new to Odoo and I've been playing around with Odoo 10 Community Edition for a couple of months now.
I have a store setup and the product categories are being shown and I can click a ">" to expand it and see the subcategories. I've been trying to change that behaviour from 'click' to 'hover' or mouseenter.
The main thing is that I just can't find the actual code that handles this. I'm mostly asking where can I find it?
I've searched for the classes that the '>' icon has but I dont see anything.
I'll paste the code that I think has something to do with it.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<t name="Collapse Category Recursive" t-name="website_sale.option_collapse_categories_recursive">
<li t-att-class="'active' if categ.id == int(category or 0) else None">
<i t-if="categ.child_id" t-attf-class="text-primary fa #{'fa-chevron-down' if categ.id in parent_category_ids else 'fa-chevron-right'}"/>
<a t-att-href="keep('/shop/category/' + slug(categ), category=0)" t-field="categ.name"/>
<ul t-if="categ.child_id" class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked nav-hierarchy" t-att-style="'display:block;' if categ.id in parent_category_ids else 'display:none;'">
<t t-foreach="categ.child_id" t-as="categ">
<t t-call="website_sale.option_collapse_categories_recursive"/>
did you find answer for this, looking for that also