For odoo 10, you can open " addons/portal/wizard/" as Els wrote.
In that file, you will find:
def _send_email(self):
""" send notification email to a new portal user """
if not
raise UserError(_('You must have an email address in your User Preferences to send emails.'))
# determine subject and body in the portal user's language
template = self.env.ref('portal.mail_template_data_portal_welcome')
for wizard_line in self:...
The template "portal.mail_template_data_portal_welcome" is named "Portal: new user" in the admin setting of the email in developper mode.
You will have to look at the user freindly emails, it seems that the name of the sender is the current user in the system. So you might have to modify the pyhon code in the file...:
def extract_email(email):
""" extract the email address from a user-friendly email address """
We just implemented thit here and hope this is the right way to do it.
Ths is a old post, but it is the first one that come on google, so maybe this will save some one else some time.