I'm working on Odoo V11 and i'm trying to access one2many records from a kanaban view, i used this before on qweb template using <t t-foreach="..." t-as="..."/> and it worked fine but i dosn't work with the kanban view. I tried also to use Web one2many kanaban module from Sprent consulting services (Link : https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/11.0/web_one2many_kanban/) but nothing works fine
This is my code :
<t t-foreach="record.production_value_item_ids.raw_value" t-as="item">
<div class="row">
<span class="col-sm-7">
<t t-esc="item.product_id.name"/>
<span class="col-sm-5 value">
<t t-esc="item.quantity_done"/>
Any help please ?
Can you tell us more what is not working fine? No kanban view or the fields not working? Can you share what is the output and what is your expectation?
Hello Mohamed, I concur that the module you are referring to is not working out for version 11 though it is working in version 10. I also had faced a similar situation sometime back using the module.